Wednesday 6 May 2009

catching your breath...

Wednesday 6th May 2009

doesn't it always seem like everyone is always rushing on to the next frantic moment life has to often you find people wishing their life away...counting down to the next birthday, anniversary, holiday trip, whatever...why have we forgotten how to enjoy the moments for what they are? the here and now...this very second. when we pause, and breathe and look around, we appreciate where we are and what we have so much more...

if there is anything i have learnt this week it's that life is too short. life is unexpected, providing us with moments of such happiness and yet also moments of such sadness. we are constantly reminded of the fraility of this life we are given, when we hear of others losing that gift so unexpectedly. we need to feel thankful every single morning we wake up for everything that we have. i don't want to rush thorugh life, barely blinking an eye, always looking to the next project...i want to be in the here and now, to relish every moment and remember how lucky i am to have fallen down the rabbit-hole into this beautiful place called Bali, where life almost seems to stand still and every day is a blessing. i want to have my eyes open and see everything around me, absorb it, appreciate it for everything that it is. i don't want to miss a thing...


Miss Footloose said...

You are so right. Living in the moment is what I had to learn, and re-learn now and again, so thank you for reminding me. If your mind is always busy agonizing about what happened yesterday or worrying about what might happen tomorrow, you can't hear the music playing today. Or notice the beauty that's there around you, even just a pretty bug, or a cloud or a weed. Okay, I'll stop here! Enjoy your beautiful island!

Unknown said...

hi miss footloose...yes! exactly! it's all about listening to the music, the rhythm, the beat, the melody...oh, so much to listen out for...

Jeni said...

Beautifully shared... I agree whole heartedly and practice moment by moment living!